Washingtonville Wrestling Team Camp: Lock Haven

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Pricing Details

Total: $ 300.00

Washingtonville Wrestling Team Camp: Lock Haven

When: Sunday July 14th to Wednesday July 17th. .

Where: Lock Haven University

Who: All current JV/Varsity and current 8th grade modified wrestlers.

Cost: $300 per wrestler (Original cost is $350. Wizards Wrestling club will be paying $50 for each wrestler.)

How: Washingtonville Wrestling Club will be providing transportation for all wrestlers.

Registration: Please complete the form below by Saturday, June 15th, so we can reserve a spot in the camp. Please contact Coach Lee with questions or additional information (see “Contact” link above).


Coaches work very hard to make sure athletes practice the great sport of wrestling safely! Although minor bumps, scrapes, and bruises can be common in contact sports, serious injuries are rare. However, there is always some risk involved. Know that by submitting this form you, the parent or guardian of the above wrestler, are agreeing to the following waiver:

I, the parent or guardian of the above wrestler, understand that Washingtonville Coaches, Washingtonville Wrestling, and/or the Washingtonville School District will not be held liable in case of injury or illness of the wrestler. In case of accident or injury, I give my permission for the coaching staff to do what is necessary in their judgement for the health and safety of my child.

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